I’m currently an undergrad student at Tennessee State University studying chemistry. Most of my time goes toward studying to make sure I stay on track to go to medical school and become a gynecologist. I didn’t know a lot about my body growing up, so once I started doing research, I realized there’s power in knowing about your body. I just want women to feel empowered and feel good about themselves.
Before I started LifeSet, I was in a dysfunctional home that caused trauma I needed to overcome. So, for me, the mental barriers were big; my own thoughts and feelings of not being good enough would get in my way of setting and pursuing goals. When I was introduced to LifeSet, I immediately knew it was something I needed. My LifeSet specialist and mentor have encouraged me, uplifted me, and helped me understand that my past doesn’t define me, and I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
Being a part of LifeSet has connected me to amazing people. They’re helpful with emotional and mental support – someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, but also tangible support like budgeting and FAFSFA applications. For these things you may not have family to help you with… they step in and provide guidance.
“It’s a support system every person who has been in foster care should have.”
If I could go back and say something to my younger self, I would say, “Don’t give up. Persevere, and your past doesn’t define you. You’re a bright person, continue to shine bright.”